Welcome to Our World-Building blog

Welcome! We weave dreams, some dark, some not, but all fantastic.

We are authors of Fantasy, Romance, and much more. Enter our infinite worlds....

On this blog, our visitors will find advice and opinion from published authors on much more than just world-building. We'll tell you in Craft and Opinion posts what we do, how we do it, and what we think works for us.

Authors with A-names post on the 1st of each month, B-names post on the 2nd, C-names on the 3rd etc.
The 29th, 30th, and 31st are free-for-all days.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Try the e-book experience at Dorchester

Several IWOFA authors are published by Dorchester Publishing. Let me think... Deborah Macgillivray is (amongst others), Helen Scott is. I am.

This last week, we all received emails from Erin Galloway, the Dorchester PR boss, informing us that we now have widgets, which will allow readers the e-reading experience. Yes, the pages turn.

These widgets don't give away the entire book, but they do allow readers a very decent sneak peek. Up to 10% of the book. Now, having said that, anyone can choose any keyword they please. I chose "and" because there is an urban myth that words like "and" and "if" will fake out a system and let a reader read the entire book.

Doesn't work. I haven't tried requesting indecent words, but then again, my royal aliens don't use a lot of those... unless they are villains, who deliberately want to shock and offend.

Check it out. Let me know what you think of the technology.

If you click on one of the other links, I expect it will take you back to http://www.dorchesterpub.com where you can try out other widgets.
Best wishes,
Rowena Cherry

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