Sometimes a person enters your life who is so powerful they continue to shape your future long after they've gone. My friend Mo was like that. In the decade or so that she was my mentor she was clearly and undoubtedly my alpha bitch. I rarely rolled over for her, but that's only because my mellow exterior hides the heart of a majorly subborn woman. We laughed, we fought, and in her last hours, she gave me the opportunity to ease the pain of her body and the concerns of her mind.
A few months back, I was talking about action and fight scenes with another author, and suddenly, I remembered something Mo had once told me; a story from her own past. I sat down, wrote the opening scene and suddenly, the story came to life; a tough detective willing to do anything to salvage her career, an alien with a shattering secret. A kidnapping that is anything but what it seems...
Rose Lee from Little Dragon was based off Mo. She was tiny, tough and absurdly feminine. For a time, Mo was a police officer in Oakland, CA. Her career came to a tragic end when she responded to a domestic violence call; the suspect took her by surprise. He picked her up and threw her into a wall. Mo sustained nerve damage to her arm and was unable to continue with the force. Years later, when cancer took hold of her body, it woke up that injured shoulder and caused excruciating pain. So Mo, Little Dragon is for you. If you were around today, I still wouldn't let you roll me, but you'd know who was really was the alpha bitch, wouldn't you?
Little Dragon will be available for sale August 7, 2008 at
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