"...Renee takes pride in developing rich, three-dimensional characters that continue to grow at every turn of the page... I found myself stalking the novel, devouring each page, and craving to know what happens next. I was also incredibly impressed that there wasn’t a single grammatical error in the book, which is something I’m quite critical about when reviewing novels... I don’t do ratings, but if I had to categorize Eris, I would call it “Literary Perfection.”"
~ Zee, Fire Pages Reviews
Full Review:
Along with the review is a contest: Absolute Chaos Giveaway
- Leave a Comment on the Review
- Leave a comment on the interview to be posted Thursday 19 August
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- $25 gift card to Barnes & Noble, Borders, Amazon, or Bookstrand (winner's choice)
- e-copy of ERIS
Contest ends Friday 20 August
Good luck and have a happy!
~ Renee
D. Renee Bagby
Building New Realms of Passion